11 March 2010

spring is coming!

The snow is almost melted, and I am getting started on the garden.

Two weeks ago, my first box of seeds arrived -- from Rohrer's Seeds. It took only 2 days from the time I placed my order! At that time, the ground was still covered with snow. Since then, we have had several days of mild weather (highs in the 50s and 60s). Today, the ground is visible, and the small raised bed where I garden in Broomall is actually workable. (Yesterday, I actually saw crocuses blooming here!)

So this afternoon, I cleared out the dead tomato and pole-bean vines, stirred up the soil (mixing in the chicken poop from last fall), and planted 240 peas -- 120 garden peas (Early Freezer) and 120 Sugar Snap peas. I have barely made a dent in the half-pound packets I bought. Perhaps I was a bit over ambitious. I'm hoping to get out to the farmhouse and plant a bunch more before it gets warm. We'll see if that happens.