25 February 2011

the subversive garden club

After 6 months, I have finally gotten around to posting again. I'm sure it's directly related to the fact that I started some seeds today.

I always start each gardening season full of optimism -- this year, I'm going to grow so much! I'm going to keep track of everything! I'm going to keep my beds weeded and watered! I'm going to keep the critters out and the bugs off! I'm going to can and freeze and dehydrate! And, of course: I'm going to blog every day!

Reality usually sets in, though. The weeds grow, the critters come, the rain doesn't... and neither do the words. But this year, I know it will be different. This year, we started a garden club.

Today it was just three friends getting together for white-bean-and-kale soup (thank you, Lisa M!) to talk about what we are thinking in terms of a garden club (what were we thinking?) and maybe to start some seeds. (According to the farmer's almanac, we're 7 or 8 weeks before last frost, so we'd better get our cole crops going!) A printed email from a fourth friend lay on the table, full of ideas and potential garden club names. "Cathy likes subversive things," Lisa said. Thus, the subversive garden club.

I now have a tray with twelve 4-packs of newly planted seeds on my dining room table -- broccoli, kale, pak choi, impatiens, basil (I just couldn't wait) -- and a fire in the fireplace. We still have a long way to go, but spring is coming, and there will be a garden!