15 July 2010

spring retrospective -- part 2

April was beautiful in the orchard. The peach and nectarine trees were especially beautiful, covered in flowers.

The apricot and one of the Northstar Pie cherries had some blossoms, too. The Red Rome apple tree had a few flowers later in the month. Unfortunately, those photos are back in Broomall on the server. I'll upload those after the weekend. :/

Eventually, there were baby cherries, nectarines (on both trees), and peaches (on 4 out of 5 trees).

We harvested about 2 cups of cherries in June!

At the end of spring, the peach trees were full of peaches. Dana counted 115 on one of them (the Starking Delicious). The nectarine and apples trees had just a few fruit on each. Didn't see any apricots. I'll add our pictures when I get back to Broomall...